Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why Grand Theft Auto Sucks

Yes you read that right, in my opinion Grand Theft Auto sucks. Now before the comments are filled to the brim with hateful trolls and death threats, I do not hate Grand Theft Auto. I love the game's story, gameplay, graphics etc. I do not believe it affects children and that it is a very good dark satire of America. And for this I love it but what sucks is it's open world. And again yes it's detailed and full of awesome cars to steal and citizens to snipe but my problem is what it's open world of. A metropolitan city.

This is my problem with the series. Every time it's a city and yes that makes sense in Grand Theft Auto's storyline of crime but it's problem is not what it does but what it's done to other developers who could have made interesting open worlds but instead copy them. Ever since GTA III open crime worlds have become boring. I just find a big open city to explore dull as with the technology you can make any kind of world you want. You can do this two ways too. Change the gameplay or change the setting.

First an example of changing the gameplay: inFamous is a good example. Who wants to drive a car to the mission when I can be a her/villain and surf on electric lines or shoot magnetic fields to glide. Superhero is a great idea for an open world and for me the point where it succeeds is not giving you guns or vehicles so it begins to look more like GTA. This is Crackdown's problem. Crackdown gave you a super powered soldier to fight as but the only way you could win missions was to go shooting and to get their drive cars. Yes technically you could fist fight and run their but the game wants you to shoot and drive. For me that's boring because if I want that I'll play GTA. For more games like inFamous look at Prototype.

Next is change the environment instead of the gameplay and for this look no further than another RockStar game Red Dead Redemption. The games use of horses and carriages instead of cars and taxis is brilliant. The world felt like I was in the time period it had set itself and never did I think it crosses back with GTA. What about a bad example. Well for me that's The Saboteur. Once the game lost most of the black and white bit and gone off the wagon with it's story the game became GTA Paris losing any interesting things to itself.

How about the best game though? Well one series that has been combining a completely new environment and gameplay was Assassin's Creed. The series is fantastic in it's stealth/assassination gameplay style with parkour while having a completely diffrent and interesting world than GTA. It is impossible to call Assassin's Creed a GTA clone because it's a completely diffrent game. Even inFamous and Red Dead have semblance of being GTA clones (not much of them though). So to put it simply Assassin's Creed II is a better game than GTA IV. Well maybe GTA has more mini games.

To cover my ass once more I don't have a problem with GTA really it's problem is what it did to turn games like: Crackdown, The Saboteur, Red Faction Guerilla and the Saints Row series (which should have been a parody of GTA by the way). So developers less stories about crime and more about superheroes, cowboys or Renaissance Italian men with gay ponytails.

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