Sunday, June 27, 2010

Crackdown 2 Impressions: Dead Gone By Dawn

Crackdown released way back in 2007 was a decent open world game that it's only real selling point was A, it was kind of a superpowered open world and B, it had a Halo 3 Beta Key. Besides that the game's story was dull, gameplay repetitive and parts were very, very boring. The multiplayer was a saving grace of the game because it was insane and fun and there was lots of big explosions. Oh yeah and I could pick up a car and throw it gang members. Overall the game was all about having a huge world with all the roof jumping, car throwing and giant ass explosions with co op. Crackdown 2's demo was very similar to the first game good or bad.

Crackdown 2 is set in a very diffrent world to Crackdown. Crackdown 2's city has now become infested with mutants that were hinted at in the first game which overun the city at night with literally thousands of them. Also in the city is The Cell an anti Agency guerilla group (the Agency is who you work for and they are cartoonishly evil bastards). You as supowered suit cop must stop the cell and the freaks to save the city. And you have only half an hour. Yes, Crackdown 2 has joined the shit school of thought where only 30 minutes is given to the demo like Just Cause 2 did. This is a stupid idiotic idea. You've already given us a small part of the map why not at least let us do everything in this zone than for more I go buy the full game. What's that Crackdown 2 gives the ability to get achievements for the full game, well who cares! So while I may decide to break the time limit another time I did a couple of things that were fun in my short time. First off this game is not very diffrent from the first. Crackdown 2 is still about killing and collecting orbs to continue the game. It's inbetween missions that's the good parts. The day/night cycle affects the game in terms of what majority of spawns happen. In the day Cell roam the streets while at night the Freaks do.

I did two missions in my time with the game: a Cell mission and a Freak mission. In my Cell mission I cleared a dockside area fortress which revealed two things to me one driving and free running controls are much improved and two shooting needs tuning. The lock on system is clunky as 1 out of 5 times when an enemy is next to an explosive canister (not close enough to kill though) the gun locks on to the canister instead of the enemy. This is worst when enemies are really close to you as the gun locks on to a truck a mile away. It doesn't break the game because I still cleared the area. Next came the Freak mission where I cleared solar gun thingy stations, before defending a basically a lightmass bomb inside a nuclear reactor infested qwith the zombie folk which got to dificult to fast as way too many zombies and my gun is useless. So after 3 agonizing minutes of Street Fighter meets Left 4 Dead the bomb blew frying the zombies and ending the demo. Crackdown 2 in missions isn't perfect for a game three years in the making. The art style hasn't changed either so while the comic style visuals are still good, the game hasn't gotten the visual upgrade to 2010.

Still what I did outside of missions was great. The running around, kangarro hopping between buildings, doing huge jumps to create craters, booting a car and driving a huge semi through hundreds of zombies really, really fun. I didn't get a chance to check out the four player co op but I will check that out in the fun time. Afterall the game that lets four people kill wave after wave of zombies must be awesome. They've never done that before...with exploding canisters and semi trucks.

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