Sunday, August 15, 2010

The New Evil of America: Multiplayer Skins

Yep, this again from game friendly Fox News part of the Rupert Murdoch Free and Open Club

Now to be fair Fox News actually does much better in taking a neutral opinion to it while are hater does not. This is a strange way of looking at it considering there history from Mass Effect is a porno, to Grand Theft Auto IV is a murder simulator, to MW2 airport shooting is wrong. Fox took this fair and balanced but they probably undid that by intervieweing one person and not having someone from both sides otherwise there's still bias.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Batman Under the Red Hood Review: Robin Begins

DC has been making a focused effort to adapt many of it's characters and storylines into animated epic, like Green Lantern First Flight and Justice League Crisis on Two Earths. Now most of these have been really good and faithful and while others have been okay but not great. Batman Under the Red Hood is DC's newest animated direct to DVD film, adapting a fairly recent and very good story arc of the Batman comics. How does it fair? Well read on but careful, as River Song would say, spoilers.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Limbo Review: Black and White and Great All Over

Are video games truly art? Name one game that gave you an emotional response, you know like art does. Was it Aerith died in your arms (why couldn't I use a Phoenix Down)? Or maybe when Dom was forced to  shoot his wife to end her suffering almost an arguement for assisteed suicide in Gears 2. I had one recently, it was a recently released game for XBLA called Limbo. Not only did the developers PlayDead, get an emotional response out of me it knit the other half of gaming art: the visuals and sound went with the gameplay perfectly. Not only is this one of the best downloadable games ever, it's also one of the best you'll play throughout the entire year, ahead and past.

If Inception had Samurai, B-52's and Dragon's

For those who do not lnow this trailer is for Zack Snyder's next film Sucker Punch about a Baby Doll a  1950's girl who is put in a asylum where she wants to escape from before her lobotomy and is training for it in her imagination creating a kick ass alternate world where she and her equally sexy inmate girlfriends learn to kick ass and take names. The movie has sexy girls with machine guns and swords, Nazis, Samurai giants with katanas, axes and gatling guns, dragons, futuristic cities, and of course the sexiest man on television, Don Draper. Because when I think over the top, insane action flicks I think Mad Men.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Avengers Assemble! Against Homophobia

Yes your eyes do not deceive, an entire army of nerds, geeks and cosplayers fought back against a couple of Westboro Catholic Church douchebags who want all homosexuals, nerds and Lady Gaga fans to die in the burning pits of hell were probably very suprised when Bender, Jesus and many others counter protested.
More pics and vids after the break

God of Thunder versus God of Painting

No your eyes do not deceive you it's the ultimate battle of mythology, Amaterasu, god of the sun (and painting) and star of overlooked gem 2006 PS2 gem Okami versus Thor, legendary Norse warrior reinvented by Stan Lee for Marvel comics and has been around for over 40 years fight to the hypothetical death like what will eventually happen to Deadliest Warrior when they run out of the real warriors of history. I shall search Marvel vs Capcom 3 fights to honor not only the game but Comic Con as well. Stay Tuned for more vids from Comic Con and no I'm not there I'm just posting funny or nerdy videos.

Note: The actual fight last between 0:45 and 1:20, but there is lots of other shots of both gods kicking major ass against Dante & Ryu and Captain America & Iron Man.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Inception Review: Dream A Little Dream

We all remember the truly significant movies of history don't we. What's that you say films like Citizen Kane, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Godfather series, Casablanca, Vertigo? No you idiot truly innovative films are movies like The Matrix and Terminator 2. Okay what I mean by this are movies that go in and redefine the action genre by raising the bar for action sequences, special effects and technology. Now I know what your thinking (again, see I'm the male clone of Jean Grey) Avatar (lick, lick) did that last December. Well Avatar I will admit did all of that. The diffrence is that the last part of what makes these films revolutionary is having an original and thought provoking screenplay. With Terminator 2 the ideas of the march forward of are technology and the consequences of are decisions. The Matrix  made us think about the same thing I guess but also the nature between fantasy and reailty. The only thing Avatar brought up was how many times Cameron watched Dances with Wolves. But Inception is one of the former.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Last Airbender Review: It Better Be The Last

The Last Airbender is a painfully bad movie, and not because it so poorly adapts the show but for that and so many other reasons. When I consider digging a tunnel under my seat to get into the Eclipse theater next store that's a bad sign. And yes I am a fan of the show. But before I tear every other bullshit part of this movie I want to make a case about the 3D which is very big on the ads and posters. These are fucking lies: I asked my seatmate if he remembered any 3D effects and me and him could only think of the opening title. So Mr Shyamalan you have exploited people who like the third dimension into coming and seeing your shitty ass movie. Nice job for someone who once made The Sixth Sense.

The Audio Log: Gotta Catch Em All

Many have noticed these days that any game that features a post disaster environment (Singularity, FEAR, BioShock), will probably feature the new collection based idea that was once flags or coins that is the audio log. So let's set up the idea with BioShock: your wandering through the water damaged, blood stained restaurant and according to the arrow I should leave. But fuck that arrow, I don't know maybe it lied to you as a child so your family missed the Disneyland turn off and you got to spend that weekend vacation in a motel instead of hugging a fourty year old virgin, I mean Mickey Mouse. Yeah anyway, you go into the kitchen where your hit with a frying pan by the mutated chef but one shotgun blast takes him down, and looking around the kitchen I find one of the leaders of the city's audio log in the pantry.

Friday, July 16, 2010

OMG It's The God of War Movie Trailer

Holy crap check it out, Sony (those crafty bitches, hiding this movie's development from us) has released the God of War's movie trailer. It looks just a bit diffrent but still looks totally faithful to the game. Jaffe might be missed at it but he probably yells at his icecubes in his freezer for being pussies for not being water.

Okay in all fairness this is a really creative faux movie trailer which is something you wouldn't put together: Juno and God of War, a pregnancy slice of life comedy and a game where I cut off the god of the sun's head and used it for my own personal flashlight. Still if Sony does actually make the real God of War movie it will probably be A: shite, B;shite, and C: star Taylor Lautner.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Haven Review: Taking Haven in Cliches

Haven is according to Syfy based upon Stephen King's Colorado Kid and judging by the show it's about as close to the novel as the Ku Klax Klan is to getting a majority on Capitol Hill. Yes Haven really is not like a Stephen King story at all outside of a reference to the book. How so well the book is about a team of newspaper editors, who are in the show but minor characters. No, are main characters are Audrey who is a hard nosed by the books female FBI agent. Wow I have never heard of any show where we had that kind of character (Warehouse 13, Bones, The X Files, Castle etc.).

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pathetic Previews: Vampires Suck

After the down right pathetic trailer for Let Me In I decided to rip movie trailers in written form as it it endlessly fun and by the way yes you may count Let Me In as episode one of this series. But for now I not so proudly present the trailer of Vampires Suck.

First off I hate all the movie movies: the Scary Movie series (except maybe the first one, that one is ok), Date Movie, Meet the Spartans and Epic Movie which is probably one of the worst films of the entire decade. Well since these guys need to continue to punish the movie going audience because we were mean to them when they were kids or something they have released Vampires Suck a film taking the piss out of the Twilight series which to be completely honest I go see on their opening weekend.